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Reports on investigations 2007

Independent Police Conduct Authority

Review of Operation Austin

11 December 2007

The Authority found that complaints by former Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards over the conduct of Operation Austin, the police inquiry into allegations of sexual offending by Mr Rickards and other police officers in the Bay of Plenty in the 1980's, were not justified. 

Full report (PDF 997.56 KB) Media release

Police Complaints Authority

Prime Ministerial Motorcade

October 2007 

Report into complaints and prosecutions arising from the Prime Ministerial motorcade between Waimate and Christchurch on 14 July 2004. 

Full report (PDF 692 KB)

Police response to 'Free Tibet' protest

October 2007 

Report on the Police Complaints Authority’s investigation of complaints by persons who protested against China’s actions in Tibet during the state visit to Wellington by the President of the People’s Republic of China on 14 September 1999. 

Full report (PDF 525 KB)

Death of Christopher Scott Murdoch

February 2007

Report of the Police Complaints Authority on the investigation into the death of Christopher Scott Murdoch in Auckland on 4 February 2004. 

Full report (PDF 73.5 KB)

Shooting of Michael Cheo Ali’imatafitafi

February 2007 

Report of the Police Complaints Authority on the non-fatal shooting of Michael Cheo Ali’imatafitafi at Auckland on 20 April 2004. 

Full report (PDF 569 KB)


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