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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Corporate Publications

Corporate publications

We are taxpayer funded and must account to Parliament for our use of those funds. We do this by providing annual reports, Statements of Performance Expectations and Statements of Intent.

Kia Toipoto

Kia Toipoto is the Public Service's plan to close gender, Maori, Pacific peoples and ethnic pay gaps. The Independent Police Conduct Authority has developed our initial action plan, which sets out how we will achieve each of the milestones set within Kia Toipoto, as well as our progress to date.

Annual Report

Read our latest Annual Report (PDF 5.7 KB). The report covers the period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. 

Read earlier IPCA annual reports.

Briefings To Incoming Ministers Released

Our Briefing to the Incoming Minister (BIM) report is a formal document that is provided to our new Minister when they take up their portfolio. The BIM helps to give the new Minister an overview of what the Independent Police Conduct Authority does, its current position, any specific challenges faced by the Authority, and strategic objectives that the Authority may seek to achieve during the Minister's term.

Read the BIM here

Statement of Intent

Statement of Intent 2024/25 - 2027/28 (PDF 5,315 KB)

Find out more about accountability requirements.

Statement of Performance Expectations

Statement of Performance Expectations 2024-25 (PDF 4,045 KB)

Read earlier Statements of Performance Expectations and Statements of Intent.

Disclosure of Expenses

We disclose the Chair's expenses, gifts and hospitality as part of our commitment to transparency and accountability.

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