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Reports on investigations 2011

Reports into fatal and serious injury Police pursuits

22 November 2011

Two experienced Police officers have been found to have breached policy during separate pursuits of fleeing drivers, after investigations by the Independent Police Conduct Authority.

Full report fatal pursuit of Jason Downes (PDF 882 KB) 

Full report, serious injury pursuit Benjamin Eden (PDF 982 KB) 

Media statement

Fatal pursuits in Blenheim and Onehunga resulting in three deaths

07 September 2011

Investigations of fatal pursuits in Blenheim and Onehunga that resulted in the deaths of three people have found the Police officers complied with policy and acted lawfully in both cases.

Full report Blenheim pursuit (PDF 833 KB)

Full report Onehunga pursuit (PDF 870 KB) 

Media statement

Fatal pursuit of Troy MacKay in Christchurch

05 August 2011

The investigation of a fatal Police pursuit in Christchurch in June 2010 has concluded officers were justified in commencing it and largely complied with policy throughout.

Full report (PDF 875 KB) 

Media statement

Death of Rawiri Wilson at Ohaeawai, Northland

11 July 2011

An investigation of a fatal collision involving a Police officer in Northland in July 2009 has concluded the officer’s actions were not unlawful.

Full report (PDF 858 KB) 

Media statement

Death in Police custody amounted to a breach of the duty of care

01 July 2011

The death in custody of a Whakatane man in December 2008 was marked by omissions and failures by Police officers and Police management and amounted to a breach of the Police duty of care.

Full report (PDF 1.2 MB)

Media statement

Fatal pursuit of Israel Porter near Hamilton in March 2010

16 June 2011

The Police officer involved in a fatal pursuit near Hamilton in March 2010 has been found to have complied with law and policy, following an investigation by the Independent Police Conduct Authority.

Full report (PDF 877 KB) 

Media statement

Police justified in commencing pursuits, one fatal, one resulting in injuries

6 May 2011

Investigations of two separate Police pursuits which occurred in 2010 have found officers were justified in commencing the pursuits, one of them fatal, and one resulting in serious injuries.

Full Report, Picton pursuit (PDF 770 KB) 

Full report, Parnell pursuit (PDF 860 KB) 

Media statement

Three reports on vehicle fatalities associated with Police duties

8 April 2011

Investigations into the deaths of three motorists involved in separate accidents with Police during 2010 have found Police largely complied with policy in two of the incidents, but not in the third.

Full report, Leith David Barnes (PDF 417 KB) 

Full report, Michael Roden Plimmer (PDF 335 KB) 

Full report, Paul Brown (PDF 311 KB) 

Media statement

Release of a Police file regarding Tony Veitch

24 February 2011

An investigation of the way Police dealt with a request to release a file regarding Auckland broadcaster Tony Veitch has found a number of errors, in a case that has wider public interest implications.

Full report (PDF 832 KB) Media statement

Authority urges continued momentum for change in abuse investigations

17 February 2011

The Independent Police Conduct Authority is urging Police to continue the momentum for positive change in child abuse investigations, after finding serious failures in the Wairarapa and elsewhere.

Full report (PDF 2.5 MB) Media statement

Police complied with law and policy in Fitt and Jordan fatal pursuit

7 February 2011

The Police pursuit of a driver who killed two other motorists in Christchurch was justified and was conducted according to law and policy.

Full report (PDF 332 KB) Media release

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