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Reports on investigations 2015

Initial Police investigation into Nathan Booker’s death inadequate

21 December 2015

The Independent Police Conduct Authority released a report today finding that the Police’s initial investigation into the death of Nathan Booker, a severely disabled 15 year old, was inadequate and did not comply with Police policy.

Full Report (PDF 447 KB) Media Statement

Complaint of excessive use of force and unlawful entry to property in New Plymouth

26 November 2015

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today has found that Police unlawfully searched a New Plymouth man’s home.

Full Report (PDF 467 KB) Media Statement

Police pursuit and apprehension justified

4 November 2015

The Independent Police Conduct Authority released a report today finding that Christchurch Police were justified in their pursuit and apprehension of three men.

Summary Report (PDF 504 KB) Media Statement

Police response to an incident involving injury to a child

22 October 2015

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today has found that failures by Police resulted in a young, vulnerable child not receiving the protection and service from Police which he should have.

Summary Report (PDF 562 KB) Media Statement

Police justified in use of force but failed to fulfil duty of care

24 September 2015

The Independent Police Conduct Authority released a report today into the actions of Police following the arrest of a Tauranga man on 4 September 2014.

Summary Report (PDF 474 KB) Media Statement

Use of a Police dog during an arrest in Titahi Bay

2 September 2015

The Independent Police Conduct Authority today released its report on the use of a Police dog during an arrest in Titahi Bay, Wellington on 18 January 2015. The Authority found that the officer was justified under law and Police policy in using his Police dog to apprehend and arrest the offender. This was the only realistic tactical option available to the officer in the circumstances.

Summary Report (PDF 407 KB)

Complaint of excessive force following arrest in Auckland

20 August 2015

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today has found that the use of force by an Auckland Police officer as he assisted in the arrest of a man suspected of burglary was excessive and contrary to law.

Summary Report (PDF 461 KB) Media Statement

Allegation of Perjury by Police officer in judicial review proceedings brought by Kim Dotcom

6 August 2015 - A report released today by the Independent Police Conduct Authority has found that there is no evidence to support allegations that a Police officer committed perjury when giving evidence in the judicial review proceedings brought by Mr Kim Dotcom.

Summary Report (PDF 435 KB) Media Statement

IPCA report finds fault in Police detention of women and children

30 July 2015

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today has found that Police unlawfully detained two women and three young children following an armed response which developed from the attempted arrest of a male in Mangere on the evening of 7 November 2013.

Full Report (PDF 631 KB) Media Statement

Police actions during a pursuit and the subsequent apprehension of three young men in Rotorua

11 June 2015

In a report released today the Independent Police Conduct Authority found that Rotorua Police officers involved in a pursuit, in order to apprehend three dangerous and threatening men, followed Police policy and were justified in their actions.

Summary Report (PDF 484 KB) Media Statement

Police use of force against two men in Putaruru

11 June 2015

The Independent Police Conduct Authority has released its report on the Police use of force against two men in Putaruru and found that the officers were justified in their actions during the arrests.

Summary Report (PDF 461 KB)

Police investigation into complaints about John Banks

28 May 2015

A report released today by the Independent Police Conduct Authority found that the Police investigation into John Banks’ return of expenses and donations at the conclusion of the 2010 Auckland Super City Mayoral election was thorough and robust and was not subject to political interference.

Summary Report (PDF 455 KB) Media Statement

Complaint of excessive force by Police during arrest

27 May 2015

The Authority today released its report on the complaint of excessive force by Police during arrest. The Authority found that given the factors known to Police, it was appropriate to use the AOS for Mr X’s arrest and that the force used during the arrest was reasonable.

Summary Report (PDF 463 KB)

IPCA report of allegations of conflict of interest in the policing of Operation Poacher

7 May 2015

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today has found that two Otago-based Police officers, who are themselves keen pig hunters, were not deliberately acting in their own interests when undertaking enforcement action under Operation Poacher, a co-ordinated Police response to unlawful activity on forestry company land.

Summary Report (PDF 545 KB) Media Statement

Report on Waikato officers justified in the actions taken to apprehend offenders

16 April 2015

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today has found that the use of force by the officers involved in an incident following the pursuit of a fleeing driver in Waikato was justified in order to apprehend the offenders.

Public Report (PDF 675 KB) Media Statement

Report on Police actions during and after Auckland pursuit

10 April 2015

The Independent Police Conduct Authority today released a report on the Police actions during and after an Auckland pursuit. The Authority found the pursuing officers’ complied with law and policy in their commencement of the pursuit and manner of driving. However, the Police passenger failed to communicate key information to NorthComms both during and after the pursuit.

Summary Report (PDF 425 KB)

Report on Review of Police Custodial Management

27 March 2015

This report by the Authority is a review of 31 complaints and incidents that have been referred to the Authority over the last three years, combined with more general enquiries. The report has highlighted a number of significant problems with the way in which Police deal with people who are detained in Police cells.

Public Report (PDF 933 KB) Speech Notes (PDF 233 KB) Media Statement

Report on death in Police custody of Sentry Taitoko

27 March 2015

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report on the death of Sentry Taitoko in Police custody has found that Police breached their legal duty of care to Mr Taitoko in a number of ways.

Public Report (PDF 805 KB) Speech Notes (PDF 233 KB) Media Statement

Report on Police's handling of the alleged offending by ‘Roastbusters’

19 March 2015

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today has found a number of significant deficiencies in the original Police investigations into the alleged offending by a group of young men in Auckland who called themselves the ‘Roastbusters’.

Public Report (PDF 601 KB) Speech Notes (PDF 255 KB) Media Statement

Death of Steven Te Pania following a Police pursuit in Auckland

12 March 2015

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today has found Police followed policy during a pursuit in Auckland last year which ended in the death of the fleeing driver’s passenger.

Summary Report (PDF 421 KB) Media Statement

Complaint of excessive force following an illegal property entry in Hastings

5 March 2015

The Authority today released its report on a Complaint of excessive force following an illegal property entry in Hastings. The Authority found as no valid warrant existed, Police have no legal authority to enter Ms X’s house or to search the address. Officer C’s use of force was found to be reasonable and justified in the circumstances as he believed them to be.

Summary Report (PDF 431 KB)

Use of force against a youth in Auckland

3 March 2015

The Authority today released its report on the use of force against a youth in Auckland. Due to a lack of independent evidence the Authority is unable to resolve the significant conflict in the account of events given by the officer and the youth. Therefore, in this case the Authority is unable to make a finding as to whether the force used by the officer was justified and reasonable in the circumstances.

Summary Report (PDF 409 KB)

Fatal Police shooting of Adam Morehu

19 February 2015

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today found that the Police officer who fatally shot Adam Morehu was justified in doing so because he believed Mr Morehu was armed and feared for the safety of himself and other officers. However, in its report the Authority criticises the actions of a number of individual officers in the period immediately preceding the shooting and attributes those failings to inadequacies in the command and control of the incident.

Public Report (PDF 920 KB) Media Statement

Use of force during arrests in Whakatane

17 February 2015

A report released today by the Independent Police Conduct Authority found the force used during the arrest of one man in Whakatane on 23 November 2013 was reasonable, but that there was insufficient evidence to establish whether or not his daughter or son had been assaulted by Police, as they alleged. It also found that the continued involvement of an off-duty officer in the incident was undesirable.

Summary Report (PDF 464 KB)

Police handling of a sexual assault allegation

12 February 2015

A report released today by the Independent Police Conduct Authority has found that Police failed to ensure the responsible handling of a sexual assault complaint and unfairly determined the outcome based on the mental health history of a female complainant.

Summary Report (PDF 433 KB) Media Statement

Police actions during a pursuit in Tawa

5 February 2015

An independent Police Conduct Authority report released today has found that a Police officer unjustifiably engaged in dangerous driving when pursuing a fleeing driver up the wrong side of the motorway, State Highway 1, near Tawa last year.

Summary Report (PDF 438 KB) Media Statement

Allegation of excessive force following arrest in Tauranga

22 January 2015

The Authority today released a report on the allegation of excessive force following the arrest of a man in Tauranga on 26 September 2013. The Authority found that while the force used on the man was justified in the circumstances, Police in the Tauranga watchhouse should have called a medical practitioner to conduct an examination and carry out a mental health assessment.

Summary Report (PDF 465 KB)

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