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Reports on investigations 2014

Serious injuries following the pursuit of a fleeing motorcycle rider

16 December 2014

The Authority today released a report on the serious injuries to a motorcycle rider during a Police pursuit between Upper Hutt and Porirua on 13 October 2013.The Authority found that the pursuit should have been abandoned due to sustained loss of radio communication.

Summary Report (PDF 458 KB)

Complaint of excessive force on a vulnerable 14 year old boy

11 December 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today following a complaint from two ambulance officers has found that the force used by a Tauranga Police officer on a 14-year-old boy was excessive and contrary to law.

Summary Report (PDF 433 KB) Media Statement

Police Shooting of Caleb Dean Henry

4 December 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today found that Police acted professionally and were justified in the actions they took in pursuing and subsequently shooting Caleb Henry on 8 July 2013.

Full Report (PDF 533 KB) Media Statement

Serious injury to Hugh Foster during Police pursuit in Auckland

27 November 2014

A report released today by the Independent Police Conduct Authority has found Police failed to comply with policy during a pursuit in Auckland in 2013 which left an innocent man with serious injuries.

Summary Report (PDF 454 KB) Media Statement

Police pursuit of stolen vehicle in Auckland

20 November 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today has found that Police were justified in commencing a pursuit of a stolen vehicle in Auckland in April 2013. However, the manner in which it was conducted was ill-considered and breached Police policy.

Summary Report (PDF 452 KB) Media Statement

Use of Police dog during an arrest in Upper Hutt

13 November 2014

A report released today by the Independent Police Conduct Authority has found an Upper Hutt Police officer was justified in using his Police dog to apprehend an offender believed to be involved in a burglary.

Summary Report (PDF 432 KB) Media Statement

Serious injury to youths following Police pursuit in Milford

5 November 2014

A report released today by the Independent Police Conduct Authority found the officers involved in a Police pursuit which resulted in the serious injury to two youths, complied with Police policy and were justified in pursuing the 15-year old driver.

Summary Report (PDF 428 KB) Media Statement

Policing of Blockade the Budget demonstrations in May/June 2012

30 October 2014

Police actions in dealing with a demonstration in Central Auckland known as Blockade the Budget on 1 June 2012 were justified and appropriate, an Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today found.

Full Report (PDF 651 KB) Media Statement

Use of Police dog during arrests in Auckland

23 October 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today has found that the use of a Police dog during the arrests of two young men was an excessive use of force and unlawful.

Summary Report (PDF 435 KB) Media Statement

Police Arrest and Prosecution of Troy Reuben

9 October 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today found that the two Timaru Police officers who dealt with a suspected domestic disturbance in December 2011 acted in a way that did not accord with good policing practice.

Full Report (PDF 644 KB) Media Statement

Death of a Youth following the Police Pursuit of Fabian Jessie Mika

2 October 2014

The Independent Police Conduct Authority today released its report on the death of a youth following the Police pursuit of Fabian Jessie Mika in Christchurch in early 2013.

Summary Report (PDF 528 KB) Media Statement

Death of Judd Hall in a car crash in Greymouth

25 September 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today on the death of Judd Hall in a car crash in Greymouth in January 2014 found that the officer involved was justified in following the speeding car in a bid to get it to stop.

Summary Report (PDF 424 KB) Media Statement

Police investigation into a complaint of assault

11 September 2014

The Authority has today released its report on the Police investigation into a complaint by Mr X of an assault by a Fielding Police officer.

Summary Report (PDF 426 KB) Media Statement

Police handling of 'out of control' parties

28 August 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority review has found that Police are working to ensure officers called upon to deal with out of control gatherings in future are better trained to deal with the situations they may face.

Full Report (PDF 121 MB) Media Statement

Serious injury to Kyle McArtney from Police dog bite

21 August 2014

A report released today by the Independent Police Conduct Authority has found that a Nelson Police dog handler was justified in releasing his dog to apprehend Kyle McArtney as the officer reasonably suspected he was an offender.

Summary Report (PDF 561 KB) Media Statement

Allegation of excessive force following Police pursuit in Taupo

14 August 2014

The force used by Taupo Police officers on a male driver following a Police pursuit was reasonable and justified, in the circumstances they faced, an Independent Police Conduct Authority investigation has found.

Summary Report (PDF 724 KB) Media Statement

Fatal Police shooting of Antony Ratahi

7 August 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today found a Police officer was justified in fatally shooting Antony Ratahi in order to protect himself, his fellow officers and Mr Ratahi’s former partner (Ms Z) whom he had taken hostage in an Opunake hotel 12 hours earlier.

Full Report (PDF 205 KB) Media Statement

Police investigations into offending by Malcolm Rewa

24 July 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today found although an Independent Police Conduct Authority inquiry has identified some faults with a series of investigations conducted by Police into offending by Malcolm Rewa, there is insufficient evidence that any of these impacted on the ability of Police to identify Mr Rewa earlier as the serial sex offender.

Full Report (PDF 110 KB) Media Statement

Police investigation of alleged unlawful interception of private communications by Government Communications Security Bureau

17 July 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today on the Police investigation of the interception of private communications by officers of the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) has found that the Police decision not to prosecute was justified.

Full Report (PDF 956 KB) Media Statement

Police use of force against Mark Smillie during arrest

12 June 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today finds the continued use of a Taser during the arrest of Whakatane man Mark Smillie was excessive and contrary to law.

Summary Report (PDF 619 KB) Media Statement

Police shooting of David Taite

5 June 2014

The officer involved in the non-fatal shooting of David Taite on 20 October 2011 just outside of Otane in Central Hawkes Bay was justified in shooting him, according to a report released today by the Independent Police Conduct Authority.

Summary Report (PDF 636 KB) Media Statement

Police response to media enquiries about 'Roastbusters'

22 May 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report released today on the Police handling of information provided to the media in response to enquiries about the ‘Roastbusters’ found that a systemic breakdown in communication by Police led to inaccurate information being provided to the public although no individual could be criticised for that action.

Summary Report (PDF 584 KB) Media Statement

Complaint made by Denise Lane to the Office of the Ombudsman

20 May 2014

The Independent Police Conduct Authority today released its report which examines Police conduct relating to the convictions of Joyce Conwell for the attempted murder of Doreen Middlemiss in Dunedin in June 1998, and the murder of Alec Rodgers in Christchurch in September 1999. The Authority found that although some aspects of the Police investigation were undesirable, there is no evidence to support the complaint that the confession by Joyce Conwell was coerced.

Summary Report (PDF 736 KB) Media Statement

Police closure of Maces Road, Christchurch in February 2012

8 May 2014

The IPCA today released its report on the actions of Christchurch Police in temporarily closing Maces Road on 18 February 2012 to check approximately 200 vehicles congregated in the area. While the Authority accepts that Police needed to act to control the situation given their concern about the large number of people gathered and possible disorder, their detention of people, in some cases for more than six hours, and their treatment of them during this time, was unlawful and a breach of human rights.

Full Report (PDF 107 KB) Media Statement

Serious injury to passenger during Police pursuit

1 May 2014

A report by the Independent Police Conduct Authority on the serious injury to a passenger during a Police pursuit in Tauranga last year has found the actions of one of the officers to be unjustified, placing the fleeing driver, members of the public and Police at risk.

Summary Report (PDF 620 KB) Media Statement

Death of Adam Palmer in Police custody

17 April 2014

A report by the Independent Police Conduct Authority on the death of Adam Palmer while in Police custody found the actions of Police were justified during the arrest. The report also found that Police took all possible steps to try and resuscitate Mr Palmer once his condition became apparent.

Summary Report (PDF 618 KB) Media Statement

Use of a Police dog during the arrest of Blair Taylor

7 April 2014

The Independent Police Conduct Authority today released its report on the serious injury to an Invercargill man, Mr Blair Taylor following a Police dog bite in April 2011.

Full Report (PDF 103 KB) Media Statement

Deaths of four men following Police pursuit in Mangere

27 March 2014

The Independent Police Conduct Authority today released its report on a fatal Police pursuit in Auckland that resulted in the death of 19-year-old Dominic Stehlin and his three passengers following a Police pursuit in Mangere on 11 May 2013.

Summary Report (PDF 596 KB) Media Statement

Fatal pursuit of Ayla Nelson-Boyd

27 March 2014

The Independent Police Conduct Authority today released its report on the death of Ayla Nelson-Boyd following a Police pursuit in November 2013.

Summary Report (PDF 593 KB) Media Statement

Authority finds flaws in Christchurch Police investigation of off-duty officer

20 March 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority review of a Police investigation into an assault on a Christchurch youth in 2011 by an off-duty Police officer has identified shortcomings on the part of Christchurch Police.

Summary Report (PDF 623 KB) Media Statement

Authority finds failings by Police in handling of 2005 car crash investigation

14 March 2014

An Independent Police Conduct Authority report has found that multiple failings by Southern District Police enabled the criminal conduct of two officers to go undiscovered following a car crash in Alexandra involving a Police officer and a 17-year-old. However, the Authority found no evidence of a conspiracy amongst the officers overseeing the crash investigation.

Full Report (PDF 125 MB) Media Statement

Serious injury collision following Police response to cattle on Old Coach Road

27 February 2014

The Independent Police Conduct Authority today released its summary report on the serious injury to a Dunedin truck driver following a collision with a cattle beast after a Police Communicator’s failure to record significant information during an emergency call.

Summary Report (PDF 508 KB) Media Statement

Serious injury from Police dog bite released

30 January 2014

The Independent Police Conduct Authority today released its report on the serious injury to a Palmerston North man (Mr W) following a Police dog bite on 14 November 2012. The Authority found that Police followed all relevant policy and acted appropriately during the incident.

Summary Report (PDF 652 KB) Media Statement

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