16 December 2014
Serious injuries following the pursuit of a fleeing motorcycle rider (PDF 458 KB)
11 December 2014
Complaint of excessive force on a vulnerable 14 year old boy (PDF 433 KB)
4 December 2014
Police Shooting of Caleb Dean Henry (PDF 533 KB)
27 November 2014
Serious injury to Hugh Foster during Police pursuit in Auckland (PDF 454 KB)
20 November 2014
Police pursuit of stolen vehicle in Auckland (PDF 452 KB)
13 November 2014
Use of Police dog during an arrest in Upper Hutt (PDF 432 KB)
5 November 2014
Serious injury to youths following Police pursuit in Milford (PDF 428 KB)
30 October 2014
23 October 2014
9 October 2014