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Home / Outcomes / 2022 Summaries of Police Investigations

Officer in Tasman District investigated after incident with his daughter

28 September 2022

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a notification alleging that a Police officer had verbally abused his daughter and a friend of hers, physically held back his daughter, and threatened to damage a car.

An officer returned home to find that his daughter had held a party there, without his consent, and leaving a mess. After an argument, the daughter left the house to stay with a friend. When she returned home with a friend, she and her father had another argument. Her father threatened to damage her friend’s car if the friend did not leave, then tried in vain to stop his daughter leaving by holding her back. The friend’s mother reported the incident to Police, and it was subsequently notified to the Authority.

The Police concluded that, while the officer’s actions breached the Police Code of Conduct, they did not merit him being charged. The officer subsequently resigned, and no employment action was taken.

The Authority agrees with the Police conclusions in this case.

IPCA: 22-10753

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