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Fatal shooting of Mr Fakalago in Newlands justified

2 November 2023

The Independent Police Conduct Authority has found that two officers were justified in their decision to shoot at Mr Fakalago to save a woman’s life in Newlands on 7 June 2022. 

Police went to the address after receiving calls that a man had beaten a pregnant woman on her driveway, threatened to stab her, and dragged her inside the house. 

When Police arrived, Mr Fakalago threatened to shoot the officers and barricaded the front door. 

Police surrounded the house while waiting for the Armed Offenders Squad to arrive. However, before they arrived, Mr Fakalago came to the back door with the woman, holding a knife to her throat. Mr Fakalago did not drop the knife when challenged, and the two officers each fired four shots. 

Officers provided first aid to Mr Fakalago. However, he died at the scene. 

“We are satisfied that the officers needed to act immediately to prevent Mr Fakalago from seriously injuring or killing the woman, and that the opportunity to pause or deploy less lethal options was not available to them,” said Authority Chair, Judge Kenneth Johnston KC.

Public Report 

Fatal shooting of Mr Fakalago in Newlands justified (PDF 437KB)

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