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Home / Outcomes / 2024 Summaries of Police Investigations


Canterbury road policing officer investigated for failing to complete radar logbook when issuing speeding tickets

2 September 2024

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a senior road policing officer who failed to make entries within a radar logbook. It is Police policy that the officers fill in the logbook following pre-deployment checks of the speed detection device to signify it is operating correctly and accurately detects road speeds.

Over a period of almost three years, the officer was found to have failed to fill in the logbook when undertaking speed enforcement duties. As a result, a total of 233 speeding tickets and 44 traffic related charging documents issued by the officer were cancelled and withdrawn, requiring refunds of $89,650.

The Police investigation found that although the officer did not commit a criminal offence, their actions were a breach of the Police Code of Conduct.

The Authority is satisfied with the outcome of the investigation.

IPCA: 23-18604

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