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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Outcomes / 2023 Summaries of Police Investigations

Use of a Police dog disproportionate force to arrest a fleeing man   

31 October 2023

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into the use of a Police dog to apprehend a man who failed to stop. The dog handler had signalled for the driver to stop, but the driver did not comply. 

A short pursuit ensued, before.  the car stopped and the driver fled. The dog handler decided to chase the driver, and then to release the dog after he shouted a warning. A Police investigation found that the dog handler was justified in using the Police dog to apprehend the man when he did not comply with the dog handler’s request to stop. 

We do not agree that the level of force was proportionate, considering the nature of the man’s offence (failing to stop). In our view, the dog handler did not have legal justification to use the dog to effect the arrest. 

However, Police have undertaken a robust confidential employment process with the officer to assist his decision making, and we regard that as an adequate response in all the circumstances.

IPCA: 23-16385


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