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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Outcomes / 2023 Summaries of Police Investigations

Unjustified use of a Police dog on a 15-year-old female   

31 October 2023

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a complaint regarding the use of a Police dog on a 15-year-old female. Prior to being arrested, she was a passenger in a car that was involved in a Police pursuit which ended after the car rammed into multiple Police cars. 

After being removed from the car, a Police officer restrained the 15-year-old and moved her to the ground when the dog handler got out of his car and instructed the Police dog to bite her. 

Police undertook two investigation reports which found that the use of force was justified. The Authority disagrees with this finding. 

Police did not charge the dog handler as, although there was evidential sufficiency, they considered the matter did not meet the public interest test for prosecution. 

Police conducted a robust employment process. The Authority is satisfied with the employment outcome.

IPCA: 22-14545

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