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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Outcomes / 2022 Summaries of Police Investigations

Review of an incident where a man died following his interactions with Northland Police on the roadside

21 September 2022

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into an allegation Police actions may have contributed to the death of a man who was hit and killed by a car (driven by a member of the public) in June 2021.

Police received reports that a man was walking on a 100km/hr road and had nearly been hit by other motorists. When Police arrived, they tried to talk to the man to convince him to move off the road, but he refused and then suddenly walked out in front of an oncoming car.

Police conducted a review of the incident and determined the actions of the attending officers did not cause the man’s death. However, the review identified learning opportunities which will be addressed with the staff involved.

The Authority was satisfied with the Police review and actions taken.

IPCA: 21-8056

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