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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Outcomes / 2022 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police Officer drove carelessly while on duty in Wellington

1 August 2022

Police notified the Authority about an incident in which a Police officer crashed into a member of the public’s car while driving through an intersection. The officer was driving to an urgent family harm incident with a colleague in the passenger seat. The Police car’s lights and sirens were on when the officer drove through a red traffic light. However, the officer failed to see another vehicle entering the same intersection from a side road and failed to stop in time, causing the crash.

Police conducted a criminal investigation, and the officer was charged with careless driving. The officer was discharged without conviction through the Court process. Both the officer driving, and the officers colleague underwent an employment process.

IPCA: 21-7843

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