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Home / Outcomes / 2018-19 Summaries of Police Investigations

Replica firearm found at Henderson Police Station

15 January 2019

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a notification of a replica firearm and four rounds of live ammunition being found concealed in a desk that was being moved at Henderson Police Station on 13 June 2018.

The firearm had been modified so that it could fire live ammunition.

Forensic and other enquiries were made by Police, however, these did not identify how long the firearm had been concealed in the desk or how it came to be there.

A DNA sample was obtained from the firearm but did not match any current samples in Police databases. If a new DNA sample is provided that matches the sample obtained from the firearm, Police may be able to progress the matter.

The Authority accepted that Police had undertaken reasonable enquiries.

IPCA: 17-2501

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