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Home / Outcomes / 2017-18 Summaries of Police investigations overseen by the IPCA

Complaint of mistreatment in Police cells and denial of medication and water

30 November 2018

A person was arrested by Police in Wellington and taken to Police cells.

He complained that Police abused him, refused to supply his medication and denied him medical treatment when he injured himself.

The Authority oversaw the Police investigation.

There was evidence that Police had consulted a doctor who confirmed the medication was not urgently required and the detained person would be able to obtain it on his release with no negative effects. He was also offered medical assistance by ambulance staff, which he refused.

It was accepted that he had been held in a room with no water. However, it was for a short time and was not a breach of his rights.

Some other aspects of the complaint were not able to be investigated as the complainant was not willing to make a formal complaint.

IPCA: 17-1002

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