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Home / Outcomes / 2024 Summaries of Police Investigations

Northland Police Officer charged for assaulting a detainee

3 July 2024

The Authority oversaw a police investigation into a complaint about a Northland police officer who punched a detainee in the face.

The detainee was arrested for breaching a protection order following a family harm event in Ahipara. After the man was handcuffed, he was taken to a police patrol car. An officer was in the process of loading the man into the patrol car when another officer pushed the man, causing the man’s head to hit the railing of the car’s door. At that point, the man did not want to get into the car and started an argument with the officer who had pushed him. The officer was standing behind the car’s open rear door and punched the man in the face.

Police conducted a criminal investigation that resulted in the officer being charged and tried for assaulting the man. The officer was convicted of assault but was subsequently discharged without conviction under s106 of the Sentencing Act, 2002.

Police have undertaken an employment process with the officer, which resulted in a confidential employment outcome. The Authority is satisfied that the police adequately investigated and dealt with this incident.

IPCA: 22-13022

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