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Home / Outcomes / 2023 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police officer investigated for indecent exposure, assault, and drugs charges in Bay of Plenty region

11 May 2023

The Authority oversaw two related investigations into the behaviour of a Police officer. The allegations were that over the course of multiple occasions, the Police officer had supplied his neighbours with cannabis, exposed his genitals to a female neighbour, assaulted the female neighbour, and made threatening comments towards his colleagues.

Police conducted a criminal investigation and charged the officer with four charges: two for possession of cannabis, male assaults female, and indecent act with intent to insult or offend. The assault and indecent act charges were withdrawn by leave prior to the Court hearing. He received a discharge without conviction on the two drug charges. He resigned before Police could complete an employment process.

The Authority is satisfied with the quality and outcome of the Police investigation.

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