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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2022 Summaries of Police Investigations

Officer allowed man with active charges and his family harm victim to board one-way flight to Canada

31 May 2021

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation where a Counties Manukau officer allowed a man who was due in Court the next day on serious charges to leave on a one-way flight to Canada. The man was accompanied by a woman who was his family harm victim. He had a bail condition not to contact her.

Police found that the officer’s judgement and decision making were in breach of the Code of Conduct.The officer had made enquiries regarding the man’s charges and his bail conditions but did not obtain a copy of the border alert that had been issued two days before the man left New Zealand, as he should have done. The officer also did not ask the woman her name or ask her for any identification. The officer received an employment outcome.

The Authority agrees with the Police findings. However, we do not agree with the approach taken by Police to resolve this matter. Given the seriousness of this matter we expected Police to take greater action than they did.

IPCA: 20-5956

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