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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Outcomes / 2022 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police actions appropriate in dealing with family harm complaint

1 March 2022

The Authority received a complaint that Police did not appropriately deal with a family harm matter in the Tasman region. The complainant alleged that Police did not appropriately record information, were not timely in their response, and a conflict of interest impacted the investigation.

The Authority oversaw the Police investigation, which found information relating to the complaint was properly recorded, and the response to the complaint had been appropriate. Within the course of the investigation, Police found an officer had supplied an affidavit for the purpose of Court proceedings in breach of Policy. Police conducted a disciplinary process which resulted in an appropriate employment outcome.

The Authority agrees with the Police findings and the outcome.

IPCA: 21-7999

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