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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Outcomes / 2022 Summaries of Facilitated Resolutions

Police response to civilian concern about motorcycle noise in Waitematā 

28 September 2022

A person complained to the Authority about Police failing to confront noisy and dangerous motorcyclists in her area. The complainant suffers from health issues and the noise causes her significant distress.

The Authority raised this with Police, who contacted the complainant and listened to her concerns. Police advised all road policing staff in her area of the motorcyclist situation, advised the Waitematā intelligence team, and advised the district road policing coordinator.

Police are committed to continue working pro-actively with the complainant to try to identify the motorists and reduce their disruptiveness.

Please note: this summary was originally due for release on 20 September 2022

IPCA: 22-14971

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