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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Outcomes / 2021 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police Pursuit in Wellington not justified

20 October 2021

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation where Police pursued a fleeing driver in December 2020.

The driver and passenger were known and sought by police and were seen in a stolen vehicle. They were identified by a uniformed dog handler who commenced actions to apprehend the driver. The driver evaded police a number of times with Police losing sight of the vehicle. Police received information from members of the public and Joint Traffic Operation Centre camera staff as to the actions and locations of the driver which resulted in a lengthy and prolonged pursuit from Kapiti to Otaki during rush hour traffic times on a Friday evening.

The incident ended 54 minutes later in the township of Otaki when the fleeing driver collided with a petrol tanker in the Otaki township causing minor damage. The occupants of the vehicle were arrested without further incident.

Police found staff should have abandoned the pursuit through their own individual assessments and when directed to do so by a supervisor according to their policy. A number of staff received employment outcomes in relation to breaches of the fleeing driver policy.

We agree with the findings and outcomes.

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