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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Outcomes / 2021 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police acted appropriately when trying to save drowning man who was wanted to arrest

2 November 2021

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into the drowning of a man that officers were trying to arrest in the Bay of Plenty.

When Police went to an address to arrest him, he fled on foot and entered a nearby river. Officers followed him on foot along the riverbank, encouraging him to give himself up and leave the water. Two officers entered the water when they realised the man was in difficulties. They pulled him from the water and three officers immediately commenced CPR for around 10minutes until emergency staff arrived and took over providing medical assistance.

Unfortunately, the man could not be revived and he died at the scene. The Authority believes Police made every effort to save the man and the two who entered the water put themselves at risk while doing so.

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