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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2017-18 Summaries of Police investigations overseen by the IPCA

Misconduct by police officer when stopping vehicle

3 December 2018

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a complaint by an Animal Control Officer.

The Animal Control Officer, travelling in her work vehicle, was stopped by a detective from Southern District. The detective accused her of speeding. She said the detective told her he would not impound her vehicle or fine her as long as she did not fine him should his dog be found roaming.

The Police investigation found the Animal Control Officer had not been speeding. On all the evidence, and having interviewed both parties, Police were satisfied on the balance of probabilities the detective had made the comments alleged.

The officer's actions were found to amount to misconduct, and he was sanctioned accordingly.

The Authority's review of the Police investigation agreed with the findings.

IPCA: 17-0916

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